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Controlled Substance Tracking

InfiniTrak’s statewide Track & Trace solution can help end the opioid crisis in your state by heading off the epidemic where it starts.

Ohio Infographic Pill Mill | InfiniTrak

Here's How:

Real Time Alerts.

Streamlined data analytics and reporting identify potential abusers NOW versus current systems with up to 90-day notification periods.

Real Time Action.

Notification immediately to law enforcement and other regulatory bodies so action can be taken NOW.

Advanced Detection of Abusers.

Law enforcement would be notified of shipments of opioids on the day of delivery often even before dispensers actual receipt of shipment. Anomalies and divergence that lead to hot spots and eventually pill mills are discovered before decimating a community and so many families.

Prevents Drug Counterfeiting and Diversion

Law enforcement acts NOW on all suspected activity, plus can utilize InfiniTrak's Controlled Substance Tracking System (CSTS) for investigative purposes.

Creates a Statewide Controlled Substance Tracking System (CSTS).

Statewide network of shared drug supply chain data efficient, secure and confidential.

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